
Jennifer is so cute, yet so chubby! Jessica is 3 years 4 months, Jennifer will be 2 on April 18th. Jessica weighs around 16kg, Jennifer around 16.5kg! I recently bought them both the same style of T-shirt, with Jessica having the 2 years ols size, and Jennifer having the 3 years old size!

Jennifer is an eating machine. She will eat pretty much anything, and even likes spicy food! She'll have three bowls of rice porridge mized with either fish, chicken or minced beef with vegetables, then she might eat a packet of instant noodles in between meals, bananas, bread, 'bakso' or meatballs (sometimes 10 at a time!!!) or whatever. She doesn't really like fruit though. I'll keep working on that though. I want to start making juices for her, maybe banana milkshakes mixed with apple or strawberry?

The other day I went for our usual walk and she saw a car all covered up. She said, "Daddy, car sleeping." I asked her why it was sleeping and she said, "blanket". I picked her up, gave her a right big hug and kissed her. So cute and so funny! We were walking back from the park when she suddenly said "Monkey'. I looked around but couldn't see anything. "Where?" I asked. "Monkey Daddy," she replied. I asked where and she pointed to a wall which had a small balinese monkey statue on top of it. I said she was right and very clever and then started walking like a chimp and making monkey noises! I was in absolute stitches!!! Kids are so refreshing!

I took Jessica and Jennifer to Carrefour supermarket this morning to buy some nappies for Jennifer (she's nearly potty trained) and some other essentials. As we were going past the bicycles and sports section, Jennifer shouted out excitedly, "Daddy, same!" I looked around and saw some dumbbells. I had bought some 4kg ones from the same shop back in September. She started crying and screaming when I carried on walking so I stopped and gave her the smallest dumbbell - 0.5 kg. She fell in love with it. Jennifer chose a yellow one and Jessica a pink one. When we got home they were both copying Daddy with their dumbbells - classic!

However, around lunchtime Jessica was being naughty and rolled her dumbbell off the top of stairs and hit Jennifer who was being held by Mba Nur below. Fortunately, it only hit her on the arm and not the head! Needless to say, I have now hidden the dumbbells indefinately.